Saturday the 24th was our summer field day! Thanks to everyone that came out!!
We were a registered on the ARRL field day map. We used the ICOM 7300 as our base station with our antenna stretching out to the pier much like our winter field day. Once again we were a portable, battery powered station with 1 station that was open to the public as a Get-on-the-air station. We used N1MM Logger ( as our logging software.
We started at around 11am operated until sunset. We made more contacts than our prior field day, with the amount of contacts increasing as the sun started to set and the band conditions starting to change.
During the competition, we also saw a weather balloon launching at the pier (white dot in the photo of the sky in gallery below) from another group of ham radio operators and we attempted to contact the ISS using a handheld radio and a yagi antenna since it was passing by. We managed to hear digital information from the ISS and some semblance of a human voice but weren’t able to make contact because we didn’t have enough power.